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Update: January 19, 2022


“Loving Father, some days we find it difficult to be patient with the challenges that are a natural part of this complicated life. Some days we have a hard time being patient with those around us. Gracious Father, give us today the wisdom and strength to learn to be patient, with grace, as you are patient and give your grace to us.”


  • 1,025,748 total positive cases (up 75,807 since 1/12/22)
  • 15,195 deaths (up 79 since 1/12/22)
  • 2,183 hospitalized (up 184 from 1/12/22)
  • 144 vented (up 30 from 1/12/22)


  • 51,827 tests performed (up 1,950 since 1/12/22) rendering 8,661 total positive results (up 643 since 1/12/22) with 34 tests pending
  • Overall positivity rate since the beginning has averaged 16.7%, but it has increased to 32% in the last week.
  • 1,793 recovered (up 27 from 1/12/22)
  • NOMC:
    • 45 hospitalized (up 5 from 1/12/22)
    • 6 vented (same as 1/12/22)
    • 1 death (since 1/12/22)
  • NORH: 17 patients (0 COVID-19 positive)
  • Hood: 11 patients (1 COVID-19 positive); 7 employees out monitoring


  • CMO Robert Peltier, M.D., reports that the IHME Washington State predictive model update for Saturday, Jan. 15, and LDH’s update today for Tangipahoa Parish and the state as a whole match the increase in incidence rate and percent positivity that we have been experiencing clinically for the past two weeks. Incidence rate was 616 cases per 100,000 people, but has increased to around 1,500 cases per 100,000 people. The good news is that the cases for our region appear to be plateauing with incidence rate actually decreasing by 3% and percent positivity hovering in the 25% range. In more good news, the incidence rate reported for Tangipahoa Parish is less than the cumulative average for the state at 1,806 cases per 100,000 people. In short, model trends seem to be signaling a downswing in positive cases for our area, but we must stay vigilant as hospitalizations tend to lag a few weeks behind.


  • Weekly Leadership Update Calls with “everyone” emails will continue on Wednesdays until further notice.
  • Drive-thru COVID-19 testing continues on weekdays 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Schedule an appointment at or by calling (985) 230-7777.
  • Visitation policies remain in force as follows:
    • Non-COVID-19 patients in all areas, including clinics and the ED, are allowed to have one visitor/support person per day. The designated visitor for the day cannot swap out with another visitor, but can leave and return in the same day. There are two exceptions. Pediatric patients may have both parents visit at the same time. Laboring mothers may have two support persons.
    • COVID-19 positive patients are never allowed to have visitors unless end-of-life.


  • Chief Human Resources Officer Jeff Jarreau reports that we continue to trend in the right direction for returning employees to work. Since Thursday, 1/13, we have returned 101 employees back to work, leaving 59 out monitoring (21 RNs, 2 RTs and 5 providers).
  • CNO Kirsten Riney reports we are staffed for tonight.
  • CFO Mark Anderson reports that our core PPE supply levels are good.
  • Clinic and outpatient Diagnostics volume are stable. Urgent Care volume declined over the weekend but has since rebounded and leveled off.


  • Tomorrow, Thursday, 1/20, our Population Health team will partner with the Louisiana Gospel Crusaders and the Second Saturday Breakfast Organization to provide a COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic at the Tangipahoa African American Heritage Center from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. LDH will be on-site to extend the state’s “Shots for 100” cash incentive to participants receiving first doses. Pre-registration is not required; this is a walk-up event open to the community-at-large. First and second doses and boosters will be available. The center is located at 1600 Phoenix Square in Hammond.


  • All areas -- especially those with staff members out with COVID-19 -- are reminded to pay special attention to daily cleaning and disinfecting of general staff areas (i.e., nursing stations, breakrooms, bathrooms, computers, WOWs with Liquid Quat each day. It has a shelf-life of 24 hours and must be replenished daily. Every day, every department should be sending someone to the basement to get a fresh supply of liquid Quat and cleaning cloths. At the same time, you should be turning in your used bottle and cleaning cloths from the day before. Call Environmental Services in advance of your trip at either ext. 7178 or ext. 6390 to request these items. For further assistance with Infection Prevention questions or concerns, contact Amanda Morse at ext. 6414 or Ashley Foster at ext. 6440.
  • If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, call Employee Wellness immediately at (985) 230-SICK [7425] for timely testing and guidance.
  • Listen to Dr. Peltier’s weekly COVID update at 7:10 a.m. every Thursday on Tangi 96.5 FM. Interviews also are posted to “MyNorthOaks” on social media and