Update: October 15, 2020
Dr. Peltier chaired today’s call in Michele’s absence. His
thought of the day is from Mark Twain: “Be careful of reading health
books. You could die of a misprint.”
And he reminded everyone of the importance of accurate documentation. It’s
key to getting credit for all the hard work you do, and enhances communication
between team members.
Thankfully, there is no hurricane briefing today and no storms in the Gulf.
Please remember our friends in Lake Charles and Lafayette – we do
have some patients here from the area as a result of Hurricane Delta.
- State Stats:
- It’s been 220 days since the first COVID-19 diagnosis in Louisiana,
and 206 days since the Governor’s stay at home order was issued.
- Louisiana is reporting 173,121 cases of COVID-19 (up 3,024 since last Thursday),
with 5,495 deaths (up 30 since Thursday). There are 582 COVID patients
in the hospital, and 64 are on vents.
- The state’s positivity rate has dropped 0.6% to 5.7%, and the incidence
continues to decrease – it is now 120/200K people.
North Oaks Stats:
- NOMC has 10 COVID-positive patients with 3 on vents.
- Hood has a census of 19 with zero COVID-positive, with 3 tests pending.
- NORH has a census of 15, with zero COVID-positive.
- Employee Wellness reports 15 employees out monitoring symptoms (4 RNs,
and 0 Respiratory Therapists)
- IMPORTANT: Employees are expected to self-monitor their temperature two
- MORE IMPORTANT: Inappropriate wearing of masks is being observed more frequently.
Masks must cover both the nose and the mouth. Keep safe, y’all!
- Kirsten reports staffing is good.
- Michael reports no issues with supplies.
- The signature building entrance will be open from 7 a.m. to noon this Saturday,
October 17th, for easier access for radiology patients.
- Everyone needs to have their flu shot (or sign the declination) by the
end of October. Shots are being given at NORH today from 11:30 a.m. –
1 p.m., and tomorrow in the ODC from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The TB and consent
forms are available on Oaklink – please print out and complete before
you get in line.
Everyone is encouraged to complete the Employee Engagement Survey –
today’s the last day to let you opinion be known!