Update: April 7, 2020
Updated 10:41 a.m., 4/7/2020
It’s Tuesday, April 7th, 2020.
- Secretary of State Ardoin has proclaimed today Health Care Provider Day
in Louisiana.
- “Health Care Hero” yard signs will be available for pick up
in the tower lobby from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. and 2 – 4 p.m. We
also will begin distribution of cloth masks to employees to wear off-duty.
This will continue as more masks become available.
- State Stats: As of noon Monday, we had 14,867 COVID-19 cases in 62/64 parishes
with 512 deaths. There are 1,809 hospitalized patients with 563 on vents.
- North Oaks Stats: We’ve done 973 tests, 214 of which have been positive
and 100 pending results. We have 41 COVID-19 positive patients in house,
with 13 under investigation. Nine patients are on vents.
- Population Health reports 160 calls to the hotline, with 25 virtual visits
and 73 visits to the walk-in clinic. There were 92 people tested in the
drive-through screening station on Monday, with another 43 scheduled as
of this morning.
- Employee Wellness reports that 73 employees are self-isolating at home.
Eleven employees returned to work yesterday, and 16 are pending to return
today. Employees returning to work who were COVID-19 positive will be
evaluated by the Return to Work clinic before returning to their unit;
those whose tests were negative will be evaluated through Employee Wellness.
At this point, everyone should be self-monitoring and taking their temperature
twice a day.
- The new MICU-2 unit will be tested tomorrow by moving two patients to the
unit. We expect those transfers to occur late-morning.
- Amanda announced that we will begin cohorting COVID-19 positive patients
on some units (using semiprivate rooms). Patients will be carefully screened
by Dr. Newman and Amanda to ensure it’s safe for the patients –
this is going to be a very strategic and thoughtful decision.
- If you send an employee home ill, or if you become ill, please notify Employee
Wellness at x. 5706. This is especially important if you have been tested
outside the North Oaks network.
Non-patient care areas will be off Friday, April 10th in observance of Good Friday. PLEASE BE A SOCIAL DISTANCING ADVOCATE!
Encourage friends and family to keep up the good work and continue to
social distance. Make the commitment to “be together next year.”
- EASTER HOURS: The Hammond Walk-in Clinic will be open Easter Sunday from
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
MODIFIED HOURS: Starting Wednesday, April 8th, the Walker Walk-in Clinic will be closing early. Operating hours will
be 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- WEEKEND ENTRANCES: Employees are reminded that the Main Entrance (Signature
Building) will be closed Saturday and Sunday. Please enter through the
Tower Lobby (6 a.m. – 8 p.m.) or the Emergency Department (24/7).
Patients will be discharged through the Tower Entrance lobby.
- We have a need for nurses and respiratory therapists. Please talk to folks
who may want to join the North Oaks family.
- Supplies are adequate. Please be judicial in their use. Adhere to CDC guidelines
and use the COVID-19 took kit and Infection Prevention as resources. Remember
that we are using a variety of sources for supplies, and colors may vary.
We are taking great care to ensure that there is no variation in efficacy
and that employees will be well protected before supplies are distributed.
- The MEC met virtually last night to approve new policies regarding scheduling
of surgery cases and the appropriate PPE to be work. Thanks to Dr. J.
Peltier and his team for their hard work on preparing these new policies.
- Michele concluded the meeting with a big THANK YOU for all that you are
doing in these extraordinary circumstances. Keep up the GREAT WORK! Wash
your hands. Eat well. Get a little exercise. Stay healthy – we need you.