Southeastern Louisiana University
Student Union Ballroom
303 Texas Avenue
Hammond, LA 70402
Clinton Blades, Acadian Ambulance
Daniel Folks, Hammond City Fire Chief
Jamie Labranche, Acadian Air Med
Michael Fahr, MD, North Oaks Shock Trauma
Ashley Simmons
Michael Gordy, North Oaks Health System Head of Security
Brandon Cambre, MD, North Oaks Emergency Department Medical Director
Michael J. Sutherland, MD, FACS
Physicians, nurses, allied health professionals, pre-hospital personnel and nursing students are invited to attend this educational opportunity. The symposium objective is to cover the advances in management, techniques, protocols and guidelines for optimal care of the injured patient.
Contact hours pending. Participants must be present no later than 10 minutes after the start of the educational activity and attend the entire program. Completion of a course evaluation is also required. Planners/Presenters disclose there is no conflict of interest or commercial support relative to this activity. North Oaks Health System is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by Louisiana State Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
North Oaks will cover the registration fees for its employees who attend
the symposium. If you register but are unable to attend, it is essential
to inform your supervisor by Friday, November 1. Failure to provide advance
notice and not attending will result in a $25 no-show fee, which will
be deducted from your payroll.
This event involves extensive preparation, including managing work schedules
and arranging for food and materials. Therefore, your commitment to attending
is greatly appreciated and taken seriously.
North Oaks reserves the right to cancel this symposium if enrollment does not meet registration requirements.
For questions or more information, contact:
Jodi Gennusa, North Oaks Trauma Program Manager
gennusaj@northoaks.org | Phone: (985) 230-2480